Das Börsebarometer
mit bewegliche Goldfiguren
param name="Align" value="Center" /> $

Value Invest


Orange-Sky Filmproduktion

Jesse Lauriston Livermore

The Stockmarket Barometer

Jesse Lauriston Livermore Market Key

How to Trade in Stocks by Jesse Lauriston Livermore
The Livermore Formula for Combining Time, Element and Price

ISBN 0934380201 : How to Trade in Stocks : Livermore, Jesse L. (1940,1966,1991)

The reprint ISBN 0934380694 : How to Trade in Stocks: The Livermore Formula for Combining Time Element and Price : Livermore, Jesse L.; Aligood, Teresa; Smitten, Richard (Con) is not that useful because the Market Key is printed in black and white and not in color.
For Understanding the Market Key the colors (black, red, blue) are essential.

Jack Schwager: Market Wizards 1989; 1992; 2001
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